Hotel Alpenblick Attersee
Seiringer family
Abtsdorf 56
4864 Attersee am Attersee
You can easily reach the Hotel Alpenblick Attersee by car. Use our practical route planner for the best journey:
Open Google route plannerThe most important opening hours at a glance: We offer a rich breakfast from 7:30 to 10:00 and spoil you in the evening from Monday to Saturday between 6:00 pm and 8:00 pm with regional delicacies in the Alpenblick restaurant.
Your room will be ready for you from 2:00 pm. Early check-in is possible on request from 11:00 am. You can reach us by telephone at +43 7666 7543 or by e-mail at [email protected]
Free parking is available directly at the hotel.
Yes, please inform us in advance if you wish to arrive later.
We ask you to vacate the room by 11:00 am. Late check-out is possible on request until 1:00 pm. You can reach us by telephone at +43 7666 7543 or by e-mail at [email protected]